
School uniform list 2024/25

Our Uniform Suppliers are:

Goyals School Uniform
28A Bridge Street, Maidenhead SL6 8BJ
01628 639725

Bucks School Wear Plus
Unit 11, The Vale Industrial Estate, Southern Road, Aylesbury HP19 9EW


Autumn Term – until half term, either Summer or Winter uniform
Autumn Term – after half term to the end of the Spring term is Winter uniform
Summer Term – Until half term, either Winter or Summer uniform
Summer Term – after half term, Summer uniform only is permitted

  • All property and clothing must be clearly named
  • Jewelry (excluding ear studs), nail varnish or make up of any kind is not permitted
  • Hair ribbons, Alice bands, scrunchies, slides etc must be plain royal blue

PLEASE NOTE * on the below lists means that items must be bought from the school uniform shop

All Year-Round Equipment
School backpack (small) for PS to Y2*
School backpack (large) for Y3 to Y6*
Swimming bag*

WINTER UNIFORM – Reception to Year 6
Navy Duffle Coat OR Waterproof School CoatNavy Duffle Coat OR Waterproof School Coat
Royal blazer with gold badge*Royal blazer with gold badge*
Long sleeved mid-grey shirtSchool blouse – pale blue
School tie*Royal cardigan*
Royal V necked jumper*Blue tartan kilt*
Dark-grey long trousersGrey socks or grey tights
Grey socksBlack shoes with strap or laces
Black shoesSchool scarf* (optional)
School cap* (optional)School fleece hat* (optional)
School scarf* (optional)School fleece* (optional)
School fleece hat* (optional)
School fleece* (optional)

SUMMER UNIFORM – Reception to Year 6
Royal blazer with gold badge*Royal blazer with gold badge*
Short sleeved mid-grey shirtSchool Summer dress*
School tie*Royal cardigan*
Long or short dark-grey trousersKnee length plain (no frills) white socks or tights
Royal V necked jumper*Black shoes with strap or laces
Grey socksSchool boater* (optional)
Black shoesSun hat (to be left in school over summer)*
School cap* (optional)
Sun hat (to be left in school over summer)*

Pre-School – Boys and Girls
Jogging bottoms*
White polo top*
School shorts*
School fleece* (optional)
White trainers or black school shoes
NB: Pre–school children can also wear the same uniform as Reception class if preferred

Games kit – Reception to Year 2
White polo top with emblem*
Jogging bottoms*
School shorts*
Ankle length white sports socks
White trainers
Plain navy swimming trunks/costume*

Games kit – Year 3 to Year 6
Waterproof jacket*
Sports Jacket*
Tracksuit bottoms*
Royal long-sleeved top*
School sports top with emblem (Blue)*
School shorts or skort with emblem*
Sports leggings (optional)*
Royal games socks*
Ankle length white sports socks
White trainers
Football boots – no metal studs
Gum shield
Shin pads
Underlayer (optional)
Plain navy swimming trunks/costume*

In This Section

”The school’s values place high priority on enabling each member of the community to be happy and confident through co- operation and consideration.”

ISI, October 2023