
We believe in a broad curriculum, delivered in innovative ways to excite and engage children and we are certain that exceptional results should be a by-product of the education that we offer, not the exclusive focus.  Pupils are encouraged to aim high and our goal is to provide them with everything they need to succeed. We are committed to providing an educational environment that challenges, nurtures, excites and involves every single pupil in the school through a curriculum which:
  • At each level prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the next stage of their education and lives
  • Challenges individuals academically and allows them to discover their own intellectual strengths in the pursuit of academic excellence and encourages a love of learning
  • Encourages independent learning and critical thinking skills and provides opportunities for pupils to express their learning and understanding in different ways
  • Is balanced and broadly based and encourages pupils to explore a breadth of academic, cultural, aesthetic, creative and sporting interests
  • Is flexible enough to respond to change and incorporates innovation as appropriate
  • Enables pupils to acquire skills in speaking and listening, literacy and numeracy
  • Uses technology effectively in supporting teaching and learning and gives pupils the opportunity to present work in personalised ways.
  • Ensures pupils have an understanding of their own personal safety and that of others, including awareness of safeguarding
  • Enables our pupils to work collaboratively and successfully develop the ‘soft skills’ needed to equip them for life.
  • Encourages respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics stated in the 2010 Equality Act (i.e. age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation).
  • Ensures that pupils develop an understanding of Fundamental British Values and uphold these throughout the curriculum, including assemblies and PSHE lessons.


The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.

In lessons, pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. This has a beneficial effect on the progress that they make. Pupils clearly enjoy their learning and strive to give their best.


Crown House offers our pupils the opportunity to succeed, to be recognised and to be valued. The pupils will develop the intellectual, emotional and ethical requirements to tackle the challenges that life will present, effectively preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in British society. To support the Fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty, we instil tolerance, mutual respect for others and the capacity to celebrate diversity, including different faiths and beliefs, and to embrace challenge. We aim to guide, motivate, inspire and nurture our pupils in order for learning to be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. We want each child’s time with us to be happy and for them to look back on their years here with pride.

We recognise the importance of delivering a curriculum to ensure our pupils learn the knowledge and skills required by the National Curriculum and to prepare them for their future schools. The children’s learning is enhanced outside their formal lessons. Assemblies, extra-curricular clubs, themed weeks, residential trips and the School Council are just some of the ways in which we aim to enrich their experiences, and we consider these to be an important part of the education on offer. Additionally, the pupils learn from the way they are treated and the School’s behavioural expectations. We encourage appreciation, respect and tolerance for all ethnic and religious beliefs and faiths and our teaching staff promote, by example, self-esteem and collaborative citizenship.